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Международная Федерация Диабета назначает Специального Посла о Правам Человека с Диабетом

Posted on 16 March 2010
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Wim Wientjens as IDF Special Ambassador for the Rights of People with Diabetes.
The appointment of this position reflects one of the four goals of the IDF Strategic Plan for 2010-2012, namely to "advance and protect the rights of people with diabetes, and combat discrimination."
People with diabetes may encounter discrimination because of their disease and experience violations of their civil, political, and social rights, including their rights to health and life. This is the first Special Ambassador position created by IDF and reflects the priority given by the Federation to raising the profile of these issues as the diabetes epidemic spreads.
The role of the Special Ambassador is to act as a catalyst and raise the profile of this important issue both inside and outside the Federation. The specific remit of Dr Wientjens includes:
  • Working with the President and members of the IDF Board to ensure that the rights of people with diabetes, discrimination against people with diabetes, and the psychosocial aspects of diabetes, are addressed in all IDF strategic policy discussions.
  • Working with the IDF Chief Executive Officer to advise on the follow up to the IDF scoping report on Rights of People with Diabetes, carried out in 2009.
  • Representing IDF, as requested by the President, at high profile external events to advance IDF’s Strategic Goal on the rights of people with diabetes.

Dr Wientjens has been living with type 1 diabetes since 1951, and has been a fervent diabetes advocate for several years, focussing his efforts on improving the quality of life of people with diabetes. He has occupied key positions in the Netherlands, such as President of the Dutch Diabetes Association, and a member of the Board of the Dutch Diabetes Foundation, and has pursued his efforts internationally during his time as President of the IDF Europe Region (2003-2006), and currently as an IDF Vice-President for the 2010-2012 triennium.