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Альянс NCD (Национальный Совет Инвалидов) мобилизирует свою сеть для поддержки Специального Заседания Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН на тему неинфекционных заболеваний (NCDs)

It was the UNGASS on HIV/AIDS in 2001 that catalysed international action, leading to the creation of a Global Fund which put major resources into combating HIV/AIDS in developing countries. A UNGASS on NCDs will help to mobilize the international community and secure the government action required to reverse the epidemic.

Momentum for an UNGASS on NCDs has been building quickly in recent weeks following a briefing for UN Ambassadors held in New York on 5 February, hosted by the Caribbean Community Secretariat (CARICOM). At the meeting, they announced their intention to introduce a United Nations resolution asking Member States to support an UNGASS on NCDs. IDF are urging UN member states to vote in favour of that resolution which will be proposed in the UN General Assembly next month.